Is Call of Duty part of the X Games now?

30 04 2014

I don’t know what to make of this.

Ride BMX and other media outlets are reporting that there’s going to be a Call of Duty video game event at the upcoming X Games in Austin.

It’s sad to think that flatland, downhill BMX racing (remember that?) and dirt has fallen by the wayside over the last number of years only to have something like this added in.

I guess you gotta leverage those Doritos sponsorships one way or the other.

gaming dudes


Pull Magazine shows cruisers some love

24 04 2014

As mentioned back in the Monday minutes post, Pull Magazine put out a teaser saying that they were releasing a special Cruiser Issue this month.

Well, it finally came in the mail today and I have to say, I’m kinda impressed.

Pull magazine tends to be ho-hum but it looks like they stepped up their efforts a bit with this issue.

There’s an editorial encouraging people to race in the cruiser classes, a cruiser shootout, an ad featuring George Goodall on a Redline 24 and an in-depth interview with Cruiser champ, Shawn DiPrete.

Pull Cruiser Issue Cover

I was a bit disappointed with the cruiser shootout…it was not comprehensive enough…missing out on some big-name race cruisers and failing to go into much detail about the different bikes.

The Shawn DiPrete article was great though.

It’s pretty rare for a magazine to give a serious interview to a cruiser guy…but it was a interesting read.  Pretty cool to find out what drives a guy like DiPrete.

Shawn DiPrete Interview

If you’re a USA BMX/BMX Canada member this mag is probably already in your mailbox. If you’re not a member, you can check it out on iTunes.

Are you ready to read the book on RAD?

17 04 2014

It’s a bit ironic that a guy who played a character that skips his SATs, and all the good old-fashioned “book learnin” that entails, would find himself years later writing a book about the experience.

But here we are.

Bill Allen, who we all know and love as Cru Jones of the movie RAD, has penned a book called My Rad Career.

Cru Jones writes a book

The subtitle on the cover reads, “It was the 1980’s…hollywood celebrites and the dawn of extreme sports.”

Will it be a tell-all about the  bikes, babes and…uh...ass sliding?

Couldn’t confirm at press time but I am curious if there is a chapter on these two ladies from the movie.

ladies of Rad

Stolen Gold frame & fork all built up

15 04 2014

The 24″ Stolen Gold frame and fork caught our eye for the first time at Interbike last year.  Since then, we haven’t heard too much about it.

That is, till last week when Stolen shared a pic of a Gold frame & fork all built up (check the Cruiser Revolution Facebook page if you missed it).

Stolen also sent a few pics to the Cruiser Revolution in-box, so here’s a couple more for your viewing pleasure.

Donnie Bothman Stolen Gold Build

Donnie Bothman is responsible for this build…and wow, does it ever look nice.

I’m looking forward to seeing more Gold builds in the future!

Stolen Gold rearCheck the Stolen Bike Co site for all the specs, colors, etc.


Marty: the most factory watchcat

11 04 2014

The legacy of cats and the BMX media probably begins somewhere around the time BMX Action magazine introduced Cosmo, “the most factory watchcat” to readers so many years ago.

Here at Cruiser Revolution, we’re carrying on that tradition with a factory watchcat of our own, Marty.

Marty can often be found underfoot when I’m trying to type or jumping on the desk to nudge something on the floor.

Other days, he’ll be checking out my bikes….whether it’s climbing on the bars…

Marty Cruiser Revolution Factory Watch Cat

Testing out grips:

Marty one hander

Or busting out moves like this one-handed lookback…

Marty one-handed lookback

Marty’s got skills…they may not pay the bills…but I think we’ll keep him around anyway.

Ralph Macchio rode a Mongoose Two/Four

10 04 2014

In 1984, a movie about a handyman/martial artist that agrees to teach a bullied boy karate hit movies screens.

The movie was The Karate Kid.

If you came of age in the 80s, you no doubt recall this film.


But, take a minute here, do you remember the bike that Ralph Macchio, the “Karate Kid” in the movie rode?

It was a Mongoose Two/Four.

Karate Kid Kos roof

A nice little cameo in a major motion picture for BMX cruiser fans.

Karate Kid Kos


Monday minutes

7 04 2014

It’s the start of the week and there’s already a bunch of news to check out.

Pull magazine/USA BMX dropped a teaser on their facebook page recently about their “2014 Cruiser issue” set to hit USA BMX/BMX Canada members’ mailboxes any day now. According to the promo blurb, the mag will:

[g]o Inside the mind of a Champion with National #1 Cruiser Shawn DiPrete. Check out the top cruisers in the industry and some awesome race action at the Cajun Nationals.

Haven’t received my copy yet, but nice to see this type of feature.

Pull Cruiser Issue

Still on the magazine theme, Mark Summers, co-owner of Joyride 150 gets some well-deserved coverage from Bike magazine. Check out  Joyride 150’s instagram page for more.

joyride 150

Cale Avery Schindler, who wowed us with his creative riding in last week’s Clip du jour, is now rolling on a Sunday Wave-C. He mentioned that he was in the market for a new frame (in the comments of that post)…looks like it didn’t take him long.

Cale Avery Schindler Wave C(Pic from the 24 26 and 29 inch BMX Cruisers Only facebook group)

Finally, to kick the week off right…check out these two little 4-year old shredders from NZ, Jake and Theo riding (and crashing) their bikes. Looks like they’re having a blast.  So awesome.






Trailer tease: 4130 Subway Series doc

3 04 2014

From humble beginnings, the 4130 Subway Series Ride has grown to become the largest BMX ride in North America (and probably the world).

Hitting streets of Hollywood, LA, Beverly Hills and points beyond, this ride draws hundreds of riders every month.

Now, for those folks that haven’t made it out to a ride yet, PSi films has teamed up with the 4130 crew to put together a documentary on the ride.  The release date has been pushed out a bit (no confirmation at press time) but if this trailer is any indication, it looks like it’s gonna be a good one!

And in related news, as was mentioned back in the Spring Brake Ride Las Vegas post back in February, the 4130 Subway Series crew is meeting up with Sin City Series crew this month for an epic ride through Vegas.

4130 LA to Vegas

I joined these guys (both the LA and Vegas crews) back in 2011 for the first ride they did together (I’m actually in the pic above, under the Vegas sign) and it was an awesome time. Not to be missed if you can make your way out there.