CycleCraft is back

30 07 2009

If you’ve been around BMX for a while, you know the CycleCraft name. Having faded from the scene for a number of years, it seemed to be one of those “whatever happened to…” companies from back in the day.  However, all that has changed,  with a recent change in ownership that seems  intent on restoring some of the former glory back to CycleCraft.  A recent thread on VintageBMX provides some details on how the new owners are trying to preserve the distinctive look of the bikes while updating them with modern geometry.

Cyclecraft Cruiser_Spy_photo_1

While the picture above (of the new 24″ prototype) isn’t the greatest, it clearly shows the new owners are on the right track with the new and improved CycleCraft. Now if they could just lure back Brian Foster (he used to ride for them)…well, then I think we’d have something magical.

First look at We The People Avenue 24″

22 07 2009

We The People have just unveiled their 2010 line of bikes and they’ve really stepped things up with the new WTP Avenue 24″. This bike is a beauty. If you’ve read some of my past posts, you know that I’m a  fan of gold anodized parts and big handlebars. The Avenue 24″ has both. Not only that, the colours and the graphics make this one of the best-looking completes out there (although it does remind me of the Sunday Olive Green Model-C).  Set to land in stores in September, I can’t wait to check out one of these up close.

wtp Avenue 24"

Kicking it old school…or just kicking ass?

15 07 2009

I don’t think words can describe how stoked I am on this video.  If you remember the Haro team back in its heyday, you know how great that team was. So many awesome memories…It’s great to see these guys back in action.

I know I may have said that something else was possibly the best thing on YouTube, but right now this one takes the top spot for me.

BMX Plus! shows cruisers some love

14 07 2009

BMX Plus! seems to have the staying power of Keith Richards. When other magazines folded, BMX Plus! kept right on trucking.  Dismissed by many as not being hardcore enough, they seemed to have found the magic formula to keep puttin out a mag, month after month.

But what is that magic formula? Maybe it’s that they’re not afraid to spotlight 24″ BMX every once in a while.

Last month I picked up a copy at a local bike shop and was stoked to see a GHP 24 being tested. Then this month I noticed a MCS Magnum 24 being tested. Pretty cool considering 24″ BMX tests are so few and far between.  Can’t say that I’ve ever been a huge fan of Plus! but the last few issues have made me take notice and start looking for it on the newstand.

mcs magnum_test_aug_2009

Stompin’ Stu Thomsen is still the man

6 07 2009

As America celebrated it’s proud history this past weekend, I got to thinking about some of the big names that made BMX history in the U.S. over the years. Perhaps none bigger is the man, Stompin’ Stu Thomsen. A dominant force in Pro BMX racing in the ’70s and ’80s, he was also no slouch at jumping.

Now in his 50s, the tenacity to win races is still there and his jumping ability doesn’t  seem to have faded with age either. Check out this shot from last year’s NBL grandnationals. Stu flying into turn three with style to spare on his Redline cruiser!

Stompin' Stu styling into turn 3 NBL grands

For more on Stompin’ Stu, check out red-division‘s* write up on Stu’s recent appearance (and cruiser win!) at the ABA Midwest Nationals.

*red-division is in Spanish, so don’t forget to use “Google translate” when checking it out.

Underestimated – best thing on YouTube?

2 07 2009

In the last little while BMX has gotten pretty cliquey….you’re either a street rider or a flatland rider, freestyler or racer, someone with a seatpost or someone with a pivotal-thingie built into the frame. Not only that, you’ve also got blogs and forums seemingly dedicated to slamming  new products  produced  by rider-owned  companies (not that some don’t deserve it).  It kind of makes me long for the days when riders dabbled a bit in every element of riding, and whenever you saw another rider you felt that instant connection…because you both rode…and it didn’t matter what or how.

It’s enough to bum you out…unless you come across something like this: