Looking back at 2020 highlights

31 12 2020

It seems a little off to title this with “highlights”… given how strange a year it has been. That being said, there were a few highlights looking back at the year.

First off, the re-release of RAD. After years of waiting, it seemed like it would never happen. But it did! Granted, it wasn’t the release it deserved, as many viewings were planned that got subsequently cancelled. But true to form, Radness will find a way and when drive-in viewings took on added importance as the year wore on, RAD was shown at the drive-in screens of many lucky cities.

Berm Peak (formerly Seth’s Bike Hacks) featured some 24″ shredding. Could there be more in 2021? Let’s hope so!

S&M Bikes designed one of the coolest looking retro-inspired cruisers this year, the Covid Cruiser. I kinda dug these when I saw the prototypes but now that I’ve seen them built up….I really dig them. If you managed to snag one of these bad boys you are justifiably stoked!

Biking saw a boom year unlike anything in recent memory. Young and old got hooked on biking, including this 80-year bad ass that took up racing to keep in shape for his primary sport of vintage motorcycle racing.

GT came through with a 24″ version of the Dyno Compe. As Dyno fan, I was pretty stoked on this. Of course, partly to do with the item above (the bike boom) these promptly sold out. Word on the street more are on the way for 2021.

And finally, there was a lot of rad riding this year!

j1cam invert

(*This isn’t actually a 2020 picture but we shared it in 2020 so can we let it go on a technicality? Thanks)

Hope you got out as much as possible to ride.

Cheers to the New Year!

Tuni turned it up at the Grands

3 12 2020

Don’t call it a comeback, he’s been here for years!

Turnell “Tuni” Henry showed the world last weekend that keeping those skills sharp means keeping the BMX dream alive right into your 60s.

At the 2020 USA BMX Grands, Tuni brought out a 26″ Supercross RS7 Fastback cruiser to show the 61 and over Cruiser class what was up. (He’s been rolling on a 26″ for a couple years now as noted in a 2018 issue of Pull magazine.)

The result? Tuni manualing, jumping and plain just setting the bar for what the older cruiser classes are all about.

He was putting dudes decades younger to shame.

Peep this screen grab:

Or this one:

Pretty rad.

Stoked to see him still ripping it up.