PULL magazine dedicates issue to Cruisers

17 05 2017

The May issue of Pull Magazine showed up on my doorstep yesterday (on #TwoFourTuesday appropriately enough).

I had been waiting on this one with some anticipation ever I since I got word that they would be dedicating the issue to Cruisers.

Drew Motley , 2016 National #1 Cruiser Champ,  graces the cover.

Inside, Motley also gets a fairly in-depth interview talking about a whole range of things, including how Motley bested the comp (at the Grands) with a belt drive.

Another big part of the issue is their list of the 40 most iconic cruisers.

I think they made the right call (at least from a racing perspective) for the #1 placeholder.

The RRS 24 was truly a game changer in the cruiser scene.

Craig Kundig’s decision to put one of his racers on a 24″ instead of the more commonplace 26″ bikes (of the time) truly set a new path for race cruisers.

However, I’m bit a surprised by what got left off the list…but I guess you need to generate a little controversy with the readership to get people talking about it.

Plenty of other cruiser-related stuff in the issue for you take a gander at too. I’ll let you check those out on your own.

All in all, a solid issue by PULL.

Nice to see them giving cruisers some love.

Tabletop/Toboggan Tuesday

14 03 2017

Roma Abramov continues to put out great content.

So whether you subscribe to the #tabletoptuesday or #twofourtuesday hashtag he’s got you covered.


He’s got ’em.


I’m particularly partial to this one.



Heck, given the snow walloping the US and Canadian Northeast today…maybe we should throw in another hashtag…how ’bout #toboggantuesday?

Yeah, Roma’s got that covered too.



Wallride Crush Wednesday

23 03 2016

The guys down in the Cruiser Revolution Research department say that I should use more hashtags.

They keep reminding me that this social media stuff is important…and I can’t just use #twofourtuesday once a week and hope for the best.

And since the dudes in Research are smart…I’m going to jump onboard.

They said give #WCW a try.

I figure it’s worth a shot, right?

So, let’s give it a whirl.

Street rider Steve Hamilton gets the honor of our first #WCW  (Wallride Crush Wednesday) by absolutely crushing a curved wallride on a 24″cruiser.

Check it out.



TwoFourTuesday: rampin’ edition

2 09 2014

Bobby Parker keeps the #twofourtuesday theme going strong with two great pictures of him shredding the Knoxville skatepark.

bobby parker twofourtuesday knoxville

So dialed.

bobby parker twofourtuesday knoxville pick

#TwoFourTuesday: Iowa edition

27 05 2014

Bobby Parker has been busy lately: adding a future BMXer to the family, moving from Texas to Iowa and now, reppin’ the Tree Bicycle Company.

Lots of changes.

Bobby Parker flattie Iowa City Park

What hasn’t changed is his ability to shred.

Here’s Bobby showing the Iowa City skatepark who’s the #TwoFourTuesday Boss.


Bobby Parker seatgrab(Pictures by @murderbike)

Hashtag #twofourtuesday

28 01 2014

I’m not sure if Bobby Parker started the hashtag #twofourtuesday but he has certainly been the most avid user of it.

Reppin’ the 24 like nobody’s business, Bobby has been spreading the word with #twofourtuesday and his own brand of big wheel ramping for some time now.

Today is no exception. Check out this shot of BP shredding the project loop ramp at Fun Fest 7. Radabonzical!

You do us proud Bobby. Respect.

Bobby Parker at Fun Fest 7