How can you not love this vid?

7 04 2010

I smile every time I watch this….really what’s not to like?

Jam packed with 80s freestyle legends, Jon Faure shredding on his cruiser, a weird close-up of Wade Nelson and a quirky soundtrack.

The soundtrack alone takes me right back to my teenage years when I used to read BMX Action and Freestylin’ cover to cover.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Old School BMX Reunion 2010“, posted with vodpod

Jim C. on the Model-C: video edit

29 03 2009

This video edit on the Sunday bikes site does a great job of showing  the Model-C and the plus 4 cruiser parts, going over all the unique design features of the bike and the thinking behind them.  More importantly it shows what this cruiser can do at the skatepark and in the streets. This is as much an ad for modern-day 24″ riding as it is for the Model-C. 
Check it out.